Luigi Genovese
Elisa Molinari

Erik Lindahl

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

Professor of Biophysics at the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, although our research group is physically located at Science for Life Laboratory, which is a joint research environment between SU, KTH, and KI.


Apart from spending time on teaching and research with my group, we are involved in a number of scientific environments, with particular focus on mobility and cooperation between the three Stockholm Universities. I spend a great deal of my time as co-director of the strategic research area SeRC (Swedish e-Science Research Center), which we started as a joint SU-KTH-KI-LiU initiative, I sit in the steering group for the KAW-funded national research program on Data-driven life science, and I’m responsible for Stockholms University’s part of a new joint KTH-SU-KI master program in molecular techniques in life sciences. In collaboration with Uppsala University we have also created a Swedish node within CECAM, through which I also serve on the CECAM council. I am also vice section dean of chemistry with particular responsibility for our graduate classes; drop me a line if you have any thoughts or suggestions about those. One of my strongest interests is how to create strong scientific environments through internationalization, diversity, open data and not least that our higher education institutions need to be driven by clear scientific and didactic visions – drop me a line if you have thoughts you want to share!

Our research is focused on understanding structure and function of ligand-gated ion channels, in particular in the human nervous system. Much of our work is dependent on large computer resources, and we develop a number of computational tools – in particular the codes GROMACS & RELION. Together with a number of universities in Europe, we have established a new EU-funded center-of-excellence for computational biomolecular research – BioExcel – where I’m the lead scientist. Since 2014, I have served on the Scientific Steering Committee for the European Computer Infrastructure PRACE, I have served as chair of the Scientific Steering Committee and been appointed to on the PRACE Board of Directors.
Presently, I sit on the Research and Industrial Advisory Group of EuroHPC. Feel free to drop me a line if you have thoughts or ideas about how to improve the computational infrastructure both in Sweden and internationally to make sure it is guided by the researchers’ needs instead of the opposite.