Estela Suarez
Pablo Ordejon

Daniele Versano

National Research Council of Italy (CNR)

Dr. Daniele Varsano graduated in Physics at “La Sapienza” in Rome and obtained his PhD at the University of Basque Country (Spain) in 2006. After post-doctoral period at S3 center in Modena, and a fixed term research position at the University of Rome La Sapienza”, since 2013 he is permanent researcher at the CNR Institute of Nanoscience, since 2021 he is senior researcher (Primo Ricercatore).


DV is member of the Steering Committee of the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility, and WP leader for training activities of the European Center of Excellence MaX (Materials at Exascale), he is an expert in the most modern theories and computational tools of ab initio electronic structure calculations (density functional theory, TDDFT and many-body perturbation theory methods). Current research focuses on atomistic modeling of photoactive biomolecules, nanostructures (graphene, nanotubes), photovoltaic and photocatalytic materials with particular interest on excited states properties and exciton instabilities.


He is among the developers of the Yambo code and co-organizer of several international workshops and schools. He is author of 68 articles in international peer-reviewed journals cited more than 4000 times. H-index=28 , according to Google scholar.